Quality Management Approach of Architecture Design Deliverables

The best approach to quality management of design deliverables is to use a framework for Design & Delivery Assurance that produces a measurable set of assurance reports on a periodic basis. The quality is assessed against a set of design artefacts and ensuring a comprehensive set of quality assurance checklists have been implemented and that change requests are being assessed.

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What is Edge Computing?

Edge computing places content, data and processing closer to the applications, things and users that consume and interact with them. Edge computing complements legacy clouds. Technology leaders must be ready for this new edge revolution. In this article, we will explore… • What edge computing is, and which technologies help shape it • How edge computing can be beneficial • What the future holds for the edge and the cloud

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eBonding Framework for Service Management

There is nothing more important right now, than being able to keep the level of service required to support remote working. As an organisation matures, it inevitably becomes necessary to integrate its ITSM system with another, such as that of a vendor or a customer. This type of integration is known as eBonding, and allows for the seamless exchange of Incident, Change, Problem, and Service Request information.

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Assurance Frameworks for Digital Transformation

Assurance, which is the continuous assessment of all aspects of the Programme performance is key to a successful Digital Transformation. Governance is the framework within which timely informed decisions are made. To achieve the Business Objectives, the Digital transformation Programmes must be assured by governance frameworks.

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Agile Architecture Deliverables for Digital Transformation

Do you really need Architecture Deliverables in Agile Transformation? The short answer is yes. Often, organisations that use Agile to deliver large transformation programmes come unprepared and have to spend valuable time and effort in redefining processes and artefacts to govern the programme delivery. This is also true for Architecture teams that are used to steer far from delivery activities and spend most of their time in defining roadmaps to their strategic architecture vision.  In this article, we'll drill down in more detail on the Architecture and Design deliverables required to effectively govern a large Agile Transformation. 

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Introduction to Agile Architecture

"Agile Architecture", as defined in the © Scaled Agile framework, "is defined by a set of values, practices, and collaborations that support the active, evolutionary design and architecture of a system. This approach embraces the DevOps mindset, allowing the architecture of a system to evolve continuously over time, while simultaneously supporting the needs of current users."

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Digital Transformation as a Response to the “Great Lockdown”

After the Pandemic struck, the world reliance on digital solutions has increased dramatically. Many businesses that were relying mostly on offline channels and manual labour were brought to a halt. Businesses that were already digitally-enabled saw a dramatic increase in volumes, making some Telecom and Retail organisations live "every day just like Christmas day". The Pre-pandemic digital transformation strategy was mostly focused on cost-optimization, increasing productivity or gaining a competitive edge. However, the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic has refocused minds towards maintaining essential services and supply chains, enhancing resilience, reducing human reliance with an increase in process automation, and also the development of new business sectors. Organisations see digital transformation as an effective response to this crisis.

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