TheOpenArch Blog Archive
Oct 26 2020Quality Assurance Checklists and Change Request Assessments: Introduction The best approach to quality management of design deliverables is to use a framework for Design & Delivery Assurance that produces a measurable set of assurance reports on a periodic basis. The quality is assessed against a set of design artefacts and ensuring a comprehensive set of quality assurance checklists have been implemented and that change requests are being assessed. In this approach, the Architecture & Design Read More
Oct 21 2020Writing an effective end-to-end High-Level Design: In this article we outline best practice on what constitutes a high quality E2E solution design. The Architecture Design Blueprint or Technical Options Assessment is an effective way to produce a lean and just-in-time architecture that is aligned with the shorter sprint cycles of incremental product delivery. End-to-End HLDs are needed for undertaking complex transformation projects such as introduction of new IT stack, the introduction of a new product Read More
Oct 15 2020What is Edge Computing?: Edge computing places content, data and processing closer to the applications, things and users that consume and interact with them. Edge computing complements legacy clouds. Technology leaders must be ready for this new edge revolution. Some interesting aspects of edge computing are: Cloud computing and edge computing are complementary, rather than competitive or mutually exclusive The right infrastructure is required Edge computing enables organizations to capitalise on data in near-real-time Read More
Oct 06 2020eBonding Service Management Framework: As an organisation matures, it inevitably becomes necessary to integrate its ITSM system with another, such as that of a vendor or a customer. This type of integration is known as eBonding, and allows for the seamless exchange of Incident, Change, Problem, and Service Request information. It is important to follow sound eBonding principles when implementing such a solution, or risk falling prey to common pitfalls such as: Bonding failures Lost Read More
Sep 21 2020Assurance Frameworks for Enterprise Digital Transformation: We discussed in a previous article, the impacts of Agile introduction on the Architecture team. Then we have analysed the Architecture and Design deliverables required to effectively govern a large Agile Transformation. In this article, we’ll introduce two effective and mature Assurance Frameworks for Enterprise-level Digital Transformation. Assurance, which is the continuous assessment of all aspects of the Programme performance is key to a successful Digital Transformation. Governance is the framework within Read More
Sep 08 2020Do you really need Architecture Deliverables in Agile Transformation?: We discussed in a previous article, the impacts of Agile introduction on the Architecture team. In this article, we’ll drill down in more detail on the Architecture and Design deliverables required to effectively govern a large Agile Transformation. Introducing an Agile methodology across the whole organisation brings a number of key benefits including: Business Value comes first Introduces a Customer-focused Approach Fast time to market Cost Control Read More
Sep 01 2020Introduction to Agile Architecture: “While we must acknowledge emergence in design and system development, a little planning can avoid much waste.” —James O. Coplien on Lean Architecture Agile Architecture, as defined in the © Scaled Agile framework (SAFe), “is defined by a set of values, practices, and collaborations that support the active, evolutionary design and architecture of a system. This approach embraces the DevOps mindset, allowing the architecture of a system to evolve continuously over time, while Read More
Aug 25 2020Digital Transformation as a Response to the “Great Lockdown”: “Over the last few months, we’ve seen years-long digital transformation roadmaps compressed into days and weeks in order to adapt to the new normal as a result of Covid-19. Our customers in nearly every industry have had to identify new ways to communicate with their customers and stakeholders – from patients, to students, to shoppers, and even employees – essentially overnight,” ― Glenn Weinstein, Chief Customer Officer Read More
In this article I talk about how the Coronavirus pandemic has affected the way in which businesses operate, and how teams can continue to collaborate effectively while working remotely. I have also compiled a list of collaborative software that businesses can use, comparing their capabilities and on which devices they can be deployed.
In this article I will list the capabilities of three cloud platforms for mobile app development, specifically looking at the ways in which they each enable the CI/CD process (the combined practices of continuous integration and either continuous delivery or continuous deployment).
The best approach to quality management of design deliverables is to use a framework for Design Delivery Assurance that produces a measurable set of assurance reports on a periodic basis. In this article we discuss best practice governance in an agile environment through the adoption of an Architecture, Design and Delivery Framework (ADDF), and the correct team structure. ADDF supports and complements GDS framework.
The best approach to quality management of design deliverables is to use a framework for Design & Delivery Assurance that produces a measurable set of assurance reports on a periodic basis. The quality is assessed against a set of design artefacts and ensuring a comprehensive set of quality assurance checklists have been implemented and that change requests are being assessed.