Tips for a Quick and Cheap TOGAF Certification:

“Work Smarter, Not Harder”

― Allan H. Mogensen

For over 8 years the TheOpenArch has been offering the TOGAF® exam simulator with over 1 Million tests run on this platform for Free. Today,  we are helping you even more with your TOGAF® 9.2 exam preparation.  We believe that TOGAF is a very important tool for an Enterprise Architect and it should be thoroughly studied and fully understood. The focus of this article is to offer our tips to prepare for TOGAF® 9.2 certification exam.

For the Study Material, there are many options available right now. To simplify things:

  • If you are a permanent employee, you should convince your management to invest in a valuable (but expensive, usually around £2000) classroom course, the benefit of following this approach is that you’ll pretty much go through the whole course in 3 days and you’ll be given a voucher code to book your exam. 
  • If your company won’t pay for your training and you are on a budget, we suggest focusing on only buying the TOGAF® 9.2 Pocket Guide (USD 15).  The Pocket Guide is a fantastic tool that guides you through the whole of TOGAF® without drilling in detail, making it a great ally for the first approach to TOGAF®. You should study each part of it and make sure you remember each section before proceeding to the next. When something is not clear or you desire more confidence on a specific subject, you can refer to the online version of TOGAF 9.2 that discuss in great detail the whole of TOGAF®

When studying TOGAF® you should focus on how the exam is structured, so read carefully the tips below on how to approach the exam.


When successfully passed you will acquire the TOGAF 9.2 Foundation qualification

There are a few tips to consider when studying for the TOGAF® Foundation exam:

  • Terminology is everything: learning and understanding TOGAF® definitions and terminology is paramount for your success. This will give you a set of terms you can use throughout your whole EA career. 
  • TOGAF structure: there are many questions about the structure of the document, this will help you even more for Part 2 where you can use TOGAF® as a reference to solve the practice questions. 
  • Do not learn by heart too much: do not spend too much time on learning tables, diagrams or detailed subsections by heart. Make sure you have a clear understanding of how it all hangs together as you would in real life when working on developing an Enterprise Architecture practice.
  • Architecture Development Method is the glue that sticks it all together: make sure you understand how the iteration cycles work and the objectives, inputs and outputs of each phase. 

Facing Part 1 exam: 

  • The exam contains 40 questions to answer in 60 minutes, everyone with a marking score of 1 point. For every question, you have 5 possible answers with 4 WRONG answers and 1 CORRECT answer. To pass this exam you must have a minimum score of 24/40 points (60%)
  • This is a Closed Book Test, no reference material is admitted during this examination. 
  • The exam software allows you to mark a question you want to review at the end of the examination clicking on the “MARK” button. This enables you to answer all the questions you know the answer immediately and mark the ones you have some doubts about to review them at the end. 
  • You can review each question as many times you like unless you submit the test, so save some time at the end of the test to review some doubts you might have.


When successfully passed you will acquire the TOGAF 9.2 Certified qualification. 

There are a few tips to consider when studying for the TOGAF® Certification exam:

  • The online version of TOGAF 9.2 is your best friend.
  • You must understand the structure of this document very well and be able to navigate through it quickly and get to the correct section when required. 
  • The secret to passing this exam is to make sure you understood TOGAF and you can structure your EA work, most of the time following the suggested “Steps” of each ADM phase.
Facing Part 2 exam: 
  • The exam contains 8 questions to answer in 90 minutes, everyone with multiple choice answers with a marking score associated between 5 and 0 points: The CORRECT answer scores 5 points. The SECOND BEST answer scores 3 points. The THIRD BEST answer scores 1 point. The DISTRACTOR (the incorrect answer) scores zero 0 points. To pass this exam you must have a minimum score of 24/40 points (60%).
  • This is an Open Book Test and clicking on the “REFERENCE” button while taking the examination at a test centre you will have access to a searchable version of the TOGAF®  specification.
  • The exam software allows you to mark a question you want to review at the end of the examination clicking on the “MARK” button. This enables you to answer all the questions you know the answer immediately and mark the ones you have some doubts about to review them at the end. 
  • You can review each question as many times you like unless you submit the test, so save some time at the end of the test to review some doubts you might have.

Tests Tests and more tests

After your study material revisions, use the free TheOpenArch TOGAF® 9.2 exam simulator to test your knowledge, and follow the tips suggested at the end of each test to improve your knowledge. 

Booking an Exam


The cost of booking an exam for combined Part 1 and Part 2 is USD 550. If you fail it you’ll have to wait one month to retake the test and pay for the parts you did not pass (if you manage to pass part 1 you’ll only have to pay for part 2 USD 360.


To book your exam you can create an account for The Open Group website and use it to register to take an exam with Pearson VUE, or login into the Pearson VUE system using your account credentials. Further Advice for Candidates Taking Exams with Pearson VUE. 


Well, that’s it for today, good luck with your exam. Do not hesitate to comment on this article if you need further clarifications.


Do you need to implement TOGAF in your organisation and would like some FREE advice

Contact our partner Bruhati as they can help drive business value for your organisation by helping you to tailor TOGAF to your organisation.

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Please note that all the test material here published is not written by The Open Group but by a team of TOGAF® 9 certified architects, for more details please refer to the Terms of Website Use. 

TOGAF® is a registered trademark of the OpenGroup.

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Manuel Di Toma

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4 years ago

Nice tips, guides baby steps to complete the certification